Conference Paper
Fracture mechanics at elevated loading rates in the ductile to brittle transition region
The rate-dependent reference temperature T0,x characterizes the fracture toughness of ferritic steels at the onset of cleavage. Fracture toughness values KJc,d were determined according to the Annex A1 of ASTM E1921 [1] which refers to the high rate annexes A14 and A17 of ASTM E1820 [2]. Results of extensive dynamic fracture toughness experiments at various loading rates, temperatures, specimen types and sizes revealed shortcomings in the transferability of the shape of the Master Curve under quasi-static conditions to elevated loading rates. In particular, the quasi-static Master Curve predicts lower fracture toughness values towards higher temperatures than experimentally observed under dynamic loading causing a steeper Master Curve shape. Fractographic examinations proved the relevan ce of local crack arrest under dynamic loading conditions, which is consistent with the view of the parallelism of dynamic fracture probability and probability of arrest.