Prospects for e-democracy in Europe. Part I: Literature review
Title Supplement
Study. IP/G/STOA/FWC/2013-001/LOT 8/C4
A long-standing and continuing democratic deficit of the European Union is detected in public and scholarly debate. This democratic deficit is explained by the complex and mutually reinforcing mix of institutional design features of the EU and it is held to contribute to a lacking sense of European citizenship and the negative and nation-oriented public discourse around the EU. It is still believed by many that the perceived democratic deficit of the European Union indicates the need for fostering a European public sphere as a space of debate across national public spheres. Moreover, there is a consensus that the new modes of political communication and participation via the internet can play a role in that respect. Redressing the democratic deficit is obviously a daunting task which cannot be accomplished through the introduction of e-participation tools alone. Far-reaching expectations of a fundamental reform of modern democracy through the application of online participatory tools are vanishing after two decades of e-democracy. However, if properly designed and implemented, eparticipation has the potential to contribute to accountability and transparency, trans-nationalisation and politicisation of public debates, and the improvement of exchanges and interactions between EU decision-making and European citizens. A common critique on e-participation practices at the EU-level is that they are a successful civic instrument but not a convincing policy instrument. Many eparticipative projects suffer from a lack of direct, or even indirect, political or policy impact but seem to provide personal added value for participants and community building.
Corporate Author
European Technology Assessment Group -ETAG-
European Parliament, Science and Technology Options Assessment -STOA-, Brussels
European Parliament, Scientific Foresight Unit, Brussels