Conference Paper
Galileo PRS-Snapshot-Empfänger mit serverseitiger Positions- und Zeitverifikation
Other Title
Galileo PRS snapshot receiver with server-side positioning and time verification
This paper presents system parameters of a Galileo OS/PRS snapshot receiver with server-side positioning and time verification functionality. Complexity on the user side for the client receivers is simplified by reducing their functionality to record, compress and transfer preprocessed data to a remote processing server. The acquisition and positioning operations are performed in postprocessing on a server. In order to minimize the transmission data between client and server, the captured raw data at the receiver should be reduced. In this paper the signal degradation and probability of detection are investigated considering the combination effects of bandlimitation, quantization, sampling constraints, snapshot length, and other receiver constraints. Measurements with different receiver parameter settings are conducted and analyzed in terms of positioning performance of a snapshot receiver for Galileo OS and PRS signals.