Wechselsystem fuer Werkzeuge
Other Title
Changing system for tools
A changing system is presented for tools on operating systems, in particular loading cranes and excavators, consisting of a locking mechanism and a fixed part (1) and a loose part (2). The fixed part (1) is connected to the operating system and the loose part (2) is connected to the tool, and the loose part is provided with at least one positining aid. The changing system is characterized by the fact that two swivel hooks (12) arranged at the ends of their bolt axes (21) to the ends opposite the loose part (2) are attached to the fixed part (1), the upper parts of the internal flanks of the swivel hooks (12a), facing opposite the loose part, run vertically and between them form a receptacle for a slide lock (9), with which they are joined by a non-positive connection when they are in a locked state; the external flanks (12b) of the locking hooks (12) run at an incline and are joined by a non-positive connection with the corresponding surfaces (13) of the loose part (2) when they are in a locked state.
Przybyla, T.
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