Conference Paper
Application of a military data dissemination standard in a civil context
Nowadays, ever larger amounts of data are being generated, processed and linked. This enables to share data with other people or communities and to work collaboratively and evaluate data. Depending on the use case, environment and domain there are different aspects to consider regarding data security, availability, data protection etc. In the military environment, a concept and derived specifications for data distribution were standardized as STANAG 4559 and are already used operationally. The advantages of such a solution can also be of interest for other domains with similar needs. A possible use case is in the context of research data. Especially in areas where huge amounts of data with specific features are needed, it is often difficult to access (enough) research data and as a result, the outcome of the research is of limited quality. As every research institution creates its own data it would be helpful to have a possibility to share data and information amongst each other in a standardized way. The possibility of the aggregation from individual authorities results in a joint data pool. The research based on such a data pool can be more (cost) efficient, the quality increases due to the broader data sets and aspects like anomaly detection could be enforced. We present an idea of a concept to use a military data distribution standard for civil applications by defining data model extensions and considering security aspects and obstacles that may occur from various aspects such as the military characteristic and inflexibility of the standard and the data model.
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