Master Thesis
Entwicklung einer neuartigen Verarbeitungstechnologie zur universellen Umformung von endlosfaserverstärkten thermoplastischen Hohlprofilen
The use of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic hollow profiles can lead to an increase in the lightweight construction potential. This thesis investigates the feasibility of using fiber-reinforced hollow profiles as a reinforcing structure in a hybrid injection molding or pressed component. To be able to fully exploit lightweight construction potential with fiber-reinforced hollow profiles, the forming process need much consideration and development. So far, few industrial process methods for forming continuous fiber reinforced tehrmoplastic hollow profiles are known. This work aims to explore the possibility of forming fiber- reinforced thermoplastic hollow profiles and explain systematically and in detail the decelopment process for a first prototypical forming unit.
Thesis Note
Karlsruhe, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Master Thesis, 2018
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