

Research outputs

As an application-oriented research organisation, Fraunhofer aims to conduct highly innovative and solution-oriented research - for the benefit of society and to strengthen the German and European economy.



Fraunhofer is tackling the current challenges facing industry head on. By pooling their expertise and involving industrial partners at an early stage, the Fraunhofer Institutes involved in the projects aim to turn original scientific ideas into marketable products as quickly as possible.



Scientific achievement and practical relevance are not opposites - at Fraunhofer they are mutually dependent. Thanks to the close organisational links between Fraunhofer Institutes and universities, science at Fraunhofer is conducted at an internationally first-class level.



The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organisation for applied research in Europe. Institutes and research facilities work under its umbrella at various locations throughout Germany.

Recent Additions

  • Publication
    Methodik zum effizienten Einsatz von Sprachsteuerung
    ( 2024)
    Norda, Marvin
    Appell, Jens-Ekkehart
    Hahn, Axel
    Sinkende Losgrößen, kürzere Produktlebenszyklen und die Hyper-Individualisierung von Produkten erschweren die wirtschaftliche Automatisierung von Produktionsprozessen, wodurch nutzerzentrierte und damit effiziente Human-Machine-Interfaces wie Sprachsteuerung an Bedeutung gewinnen. Die Einflussfaktoren auf deren Effizienz in der Produktion sind vielfältig und komplex, weshalb in diesem Beitrag eine Methodik zur systematischen Identifikation von Anwendungsszenarien für den effizienten Einsatz von Sprachsteuerung vorgestellt wird.
  • Publication
    How do dynamic electricity tariffs and different grid charge designs interact? - Implications for residential consumers and grid reinforcement requirements
    Dynamic electricity retail tariffs and different grid charge designs are discussed as key measures to support renewable energy integration. This article investigates the interplay between both, examining their impact on residential consumers regarding their economic savings and choice of retail tariff and on grid reinforcement requirements in low-voltage grids. We use a model-based approach for determining grid reinforcement requirements combined with an optimization model to assess residential consumer behavior towards different combinations of dynamic electricity retail tariffs and grid charge designs. We explore how these options influence the choice of households in Germany to invest in a home energy management system and to opt for a dynamic electricity retail tariff. Our findings show that with a grid charge design with capacity subscription, the share of households utilizing their flexibility and opting for a dynamic electricity retail tariff can be increased up to 74% (vs. 67% for a volumetric grid charge design). Furthermore, grid reinforcement costs can be reduced with a capacity subscription based grid charge design by 37% in rural low-voltage grids compared to the current grid charge design in Germany. This study offers novel perspectives on the interplay of dynamic electricity retail tariffs and grid charge designs, emphasizing the need for integrated policy approaches that allow residential consumers to benefit from reduced electricity costs while limiting grid reinforcement costs for distribution system operators.
  • Publication
    Das Deutsche Normungspanel
    Das deutsche Normungspanel wurde im Jahr 2012 mit einer Pilotstudie initiiert. In den letzten 10 Jahren wurden sowohl für die Normung generische als auch aktuelle Themen, wie Handelsaspekte als auch Nachhaltigkeitsziele, adressiert. Dies hat letztlich zu einer Stabilisierung der Antworten auf ca. 2000 pro Befragungswelle geführt. Auf dieser Basis können damit für die in der Normung aktiven Unternehmen repräsentative Aussagen getroffen werden. Ferner hat das über die verschiedenen Wellen robuste Antwortverhalten die Reliabilität des Untersuchungsansatzes bestätigt. Schließlich haben die Einschätzungen der Expert*innen sowohl langfristige Trends als auch die Implikationen kurzfristiger Schocks auf die Normung reflektiert. Grundsätzlich hat sich die neue Ausrichtung an den Nachhaltigkeitszielen bewährt, so dass neue Wirkungsdimensionen, wie Resilienz und Nachhaltigkeit, nun Eingang ins Deutsche Normungspanel gefunden haben. Das Normungspanel hat sich als wichtige Informationsquelle für die Normungsorganisationen, die normenden Unternehmen, aber auch die Entscheider*innen im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz etabliert.
  • Publication
    Degradation of Styrene-Poly(ethylene oxide)-Based Block Copolymer Electrolytes at the Na and K Negative Electrode Studied by Microcalorimetry and Impedance Spectroscopy
    ( 2024-04)
    Xing, Silin
    Khudyshkina, Anna
    Rauska, Ulf-Christian
    Butzelaar, Andreas J.
    Voll, Dominik
    Theato, Patrick
    Jeschull, Fabian
    The electrode-electrolyte interface of alkali metal electrodes and solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) is challenging to access because solid electrolytes are difficult to remove without damaging the interphase region. Herein, the two non-invasive techniques isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) are combined to explored degradation processes of reactive sodium and potassium metal electrodes in contact with SPEs. Comparison of the parasitic heat flows and interfacial resistances at different current densities with a liquid electrolyte (LE) system showed marked differences in aging behaviour. The data also suggest that the electrochemically active surface area of alkali metal electrodes increase with cycling, leading to larger parasitic heat flows and indicating morphological changes. SPE-based cells exhibit similar levels of parasitic heat flow at different current densities, which is in stark contrast to the LE cell where a strong correlation between the two is evident. The ambiguity of EIS spectra is challenging due to the overlapping time constants of the underlying electrode processes. However, equivalent circuit modelling can be used to follow trends in resistance evolution, for example to track the rapidly increasing cell impedance in K/K symmetric cells during a 48 h equilibration interval prior to cycling, which abruptly disappeared once cycling begins.

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