

Research outputs

As an application-oriented research organisation, Fraunhofer aims to conduct highly innovative and solution-oriented research - for the benefit of society and to strengthen the German and European economy.



Fraunhofer is tackling the current challenges facing industry head on. By pooling their expertise and involving industrial partners at an early stage, the Fraunhofer Institutes involved in the projects aim to turn original scientific ideas into marketable products as quickly as possible.



Scientific achievement and practical relevance are not opposites - at Fraunhofer they are mutually dependent. Thanks to the close organisational links between Fraunhofer Institutes and universities, science at Fraunhofer is conducted at an internationally first-class level.



The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organisation for applied research in Europe. Institutes and research facilities work under its umbrella at various locations throughout Germany.

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  • Publication
    Scalable Online Conformance Checking Using Incremental Prefix-Alignment Computation
    ( 2021)
    Schuster, D.
    Kolhof, G.J.
    Conformance checking techniques aim to collate observed process behavior with normative/modeled process models. The majority of existing approaches focuses on completed process executions, i.e., offline conformance checking. Recently, novel approaches have been designed to monitor ongoing processes, i.e., online conformance checking. Such techniques detect deviations of an ongoing process execution from a normative process model at the moment they occur. Thereby, countermeasures can be taken immediately to prevent a process deviation from causing further, undesired consequences. Most online approaches only allow to detect approximations of deviations. This causes the problem of falsely detected deviations, i.e., detected deviations that are actually no deviations. We have, therefore, recently introduced a novel approach to compute exact conformance checking results in an online environment. In this paper, we focus on the practical application and present a scalable, distributed implementation of the proposed online conformance checking approach. Moreover, we present two extensions to said approach to reduce its computational effort and its practical applicability. We evaluate our implementation using data sets capturing the execution of real processes.
  • Publication
    Robust direction-of-arrival estimation of two simultaneous plane waves from a B-format signal
    ( 2012)
    Thiergart, O.
    Habets, E.A.P.
    The instantaneous direction-of-arrival (DOA) of sound is a crucial parameter in the analysis of acoustic scenes. More complex acoustic scenes are often modelled as a sum of two plane waves, which requires a DOA estimator that can provide two DOAs per time and frequency. This paper proposes an approach which computes two DOAs per time and frequency from a B-format microphone signal. The proposed estimator outperforms the state-of-the-art approach by considering also diffuse sound and microphone noise in the signal model. The estimator includes an averaging process prior to computing the DOA estimates, as well as a fallback solution in case no valid results can be obtained. Simulation results demonstrate the practical applicability of the presented algorithm.