Augmented-Reality-System für die intraoperative Navigation ARSYS-Tricoder
Title Supplement
"Entwicklung eines Augmented Reality Systems für die intraoperative Navigation am Beispiel des individuellen ransplantatdesigns in der Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie." Das Ziel des ARSyS-Tricorder-Projekts ist die Entwicklung eines Augmented Reality-systems für die intraoperative Navigation am Beispiel des individuellen Transplantatdesigns in der Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie. Dieses soll dem Chirurgen ermöglichen, die Planungsgenauigkeit auch während des Eingriffs präzise zu erhalten. Im Schlussbericht wird die Aufgabenstellung, das Projektteam und der Arbeitsplan vorgestellt. Unter Punkt 2 wird das Ergebnis der Aufgaben des Projektteams dargestellt. Des weiteren werden die Arbeitspakete beschrieben und die geplante Verwertung des Ergebnisses dargelegt. Weiter Daten zu Erfolgsaussichten, Budget und Kosten sind in der Anlage zu finden.
"Development of an Augmented Reality System for intra operative navigation based on an example of individual transplant design in maxillofacial surgery." With the aid of the AR-System, it is possible for a surgeon to superimpose a three-dimensional, transparent display of natomic structures or the operative path directly "onto the patient" during an operation (the surgeon wears light stereo glasses). The superimposed \"operative path\" contains not only the image of the form, size and location of a tumor to be removed, but also all the nerves, blood vessels and soft tissue structures that might be endangered during the surgical procedure. In addition to the actual anatomy, data from the preoperative planning is also available to the operator. As an example, econstructed lower jaw from the pelvic bones was individually determined for the design of functionally optimal transplants. The AR-System, designed to be integrated into the OP, meets clinical safety standards, and is run from a low-cost PC system. Necessary steps has been carried out for certification of the developed AR system. Final report comprises the description of the task, the project consortium and the work plan. Part 2 of the final project presents project results achieved in the project work packages followed by the plan for utilization of project results. The particulars prospects of success, budget und costs are included in the annex.
Fraunhofer IMK
Publishing Place
St. Augustin