Kinetic migration studies from polymer films into foodstuffs
Title Supplement
Poster at the 3rd International Symposium on Food Packaging: Ensuring the Safety, Quality and Traceability of Foods, 17-19 November 2004, Barcelona, Spain
The FOODMIGROSURE project (EU Contract No. QLK1-CT2002-2390) aims to develop a physico-chemical migration model that describes mathematically the migration processes from polymers into foodstuffs. To achieve this aim a significant amount of experimental work is in progress measuring the kinetic migration of model substances from polymer films into a wide range of foodstuffs. The 5 films, containing 7 model migrants, were selected in Work Package 1 together with one partner assigned to each film. In Work Package 3b, coordinated by Pira International, kinetic migration experiments are being conducted using these films to obtain 'benchmark' data needed to develop the migration model. The tests are being conducted, where possible, using single side exposure techniques. Test methods were developed using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection to determine the two analytes together in the range of foodstuffs.