Conference Paper
Collecting factors for motivating energy-saving behavior
Ubiquitous computing systems are deployed for support in many different domains, one of them is energy efficiency. Existing ubiquitous computing systems, which aim at helping people to save energy, usually give feedback about their users energy consumption. But these systems do not take into account age or gender of the users coming with different attitudes and motivation. Since we are considering user awareness as important factor for the success of pervasive energy saving support systems, we are going to develop a system on our own. In this paper, we investigate what requirements our system must meet and how it should be designed. We explore peoples knowledge about energy efficiency and the motivation to save energy. Then, we investigate the impact of age on these aspects. The target g roups are female, divided into two age groups ranging from 13 to 15 years and 23 to 30 years. Finally, we draw conclusions how to design our user-adaptive energy saving support system.