D3.2 - v2 VPH S&P User Requirements and ICT Challenges - integrated edition of D3.1, D3.2 and D4.1
Title Supplement
Road mapping technology for enhancing security to protect medical & genetic data
This deliverable starts with a brief review of the projects that have been identified as background for the VPH framework. It then presents the methodology adopted for the elicitation of user S&P requirements by considering several categories of users intended as VPH stakeholders, the composition of a respondent sample of organisations, and the data collection methods. Consultation of stakeholders has been carried out by means of questionnaires of three different types: (i) a first pilot questionnaire (for identifying some main S&P topics), (ii) a full Web questionnaire for massive access (for statistics purposes), and (iii) a legal questionnaire (for contacting EU national data protection authorities). In addition to this, requirements have been elicited through interviews based on an interview guide) and in panel sessions in two workshops organised by RADICAL project.
Fraunhofer IPK
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