Conference Paper
The finite-pointset-method for the meshfree numerical simulation of chip formation
Numerical simulation of chip formation has up to now been mainly conducted using FEM. The considerable element deformation prevailing in the cutting process necessitates remeshing procedures or the implementation of failure elements. However, these methods result in a loss of accuracy in the simulation results. A meshfree numerical approach for chip formation simulation could avoid this problem. Therefore, the Institute for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology (IWF) and the Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM) are currently improving and adapting the Finite-Pointset-Method (FPM) to allow the computer modelling of chip formation. FPM is a general meshfree Lagrangian solver in continuum mechanics, which Fraunhofer have been developing since 1999 for scientific and industrial problems. Within this paper, FPM is presented and essential aspects regarding the choice of appropriate material models are discussed. Moreover, the potential of this simulation method as well as challenges in its application are demonstrated by comparisons with FEM simulations.