Conference Proceeding
9th Future Security 2014. Security Research Conference
Title Supplement
September 16 - 18, 2014, Berlin; Proceedings
Ensuring the security and liberty of society is a complex endeavor which is in particular reflected in the development of security research. A broad, interdisciplinary and system-oriented approach is increasingly considered to be sensible. Therefore and in view of the various vulnerabilities of highly complex, inter-connected systems, security research is moving away from the traditional paradigm of prevention and protection. Instead, the concept of resilience has been widely established connecting engineering, natural and social sciences as an integral part of sustainable development. The Future Security Conference offers comprehensive insights into current security research projects and constitutes an indispensable international exchange platform for researchers as well as experts from industry and public authorities. Due to the thematic orientation, the Future Security Conference directly relates to both the current German federal research programme for civil security and Horizon 2020, the new European research framework programme.